Welcome to

Business People Network
Bethel City Cathedral Coimbatore.

We are a team of Christian Business People!

About Business People Network

Welcome to Business People Network

Business People Network is a fellowship of Business people who belongs to Bethel City Cathedral Church, Coimbatore. Our gathering will help Christian business people in the following ways!

Wisdom Comes from the Lord!

At Business People Network, we share our experiences to each other. It will give us an excellent learning about the various techniques that can be used in our businesses!

Prayer Brings Victory!

We gather for a special meeting on every month’s first Sunday evening 6.00 PM.

Come, Join with Us to Expand your Business to the Next Level


Explore Businesses from Our Church Members!






Food, Hotels & Catering

Gold Manufacturing

Health Care Services

Housing Loans

Industrial Automation

Interior Designer

Mobiles and Laptops

Real Estate

Solar and UPS

Training and Consultancy

Tours and Transport

Water Proofing

Website Development & Media